Social inclusion

Avinash's story

Avinash, a 58-year-old from Mandla, faced immense challenges after a serious accident left him disabled.

Pravesh's story

Pravesh’s Journey of Transformation.

Radha's story

A Journey of Empowerment and Resilience.

Tumpa's story

Tumpa, a resilient 40-year-old woman with 70% orthopaedic disability, faced neglect from her family in Sirajbati, West Bengal.

Sanjay's story

From Despair to Empowerment: Sanjay's Journey with Sightsavers India

Govind's story

Govind, 34, has lived with a locomotor disability since birth.

Jyoti's story

Empowering Change: Jyoti's Story of Courage and Impact

Fashion & Disability - Walking with a Difference

Suparna belongs to the Amta village, in West Bengal.

January 2023

Experts & Leaders from Disability Sector call for “Disability Inclusive Health Care System” to address health inequity

Sightsavers India organised a national online consultation on draft “Accessibility Standards for Healthcare” developed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

June 2022
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