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Sightsavers India's collaborative policy recommendations recognised in G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration

In collaboration with the C20 India Working Group and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Sightsavers India proudly announces the recognition of two significant policy recommendations in the G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration.

September 2023
News / Awards /

Sightsavers India achieves Credibility Alliance accreditation for desirable norms

Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, Sightsavers India, has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining accreditation under the Desirable Norms of Credibility Alliance, a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence and transparency in the realm of voluntary organisations.

August 2023

Enhancing Vision and Quality of Life in Maharashtra under Rural Eye Health Programme

To improve the eye health of the rural population in Jalna through inclusive eye health services, Sightsavers India, in collaboration with Emtec Technologies Private Limited, launched the Rural Eye Health Programme in Jalna District, Maharashtra.

July 2023

Quality eye care services to reach urban slum populations in Chennai with the launch of two new Vision Centres and one Mobile Vision Centre

To increase access to quality eye health services through an integrated and strengthened urban health service delivery system, Standard Chartered Global Business Services (GBS) Private Limited, India collaborated with Sightsavers India to launch two new Vision Centres and one Mobile Vision Centre in Chennai.

May 2023

Sightsavers India received the award of 1A rating by CRISIL

CRISIL awarded Sightsavers India with 1A rating under the “Voluntary Organisation Grading” in July 2022.

February 2023

Fashion & Disability - Walking with a Difference

Suparna belongs to the Amta village, in West Bengal.

January 2023

Eye Screening Camp launched by cricket legend, Krishnamachari Srikkanth in Chennai

To understand the prevalence of refractive error and other common eye problems among the fishing community in East Coast Road – Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

January 2023

Launch of 2nd Tanya Computer Centre supported by Madison Resource Foundation in Narmadapuram, Madhya Pradesh

Under the Social Inclusion Programme, Sightsavers with support from Madison Resource Foundation launched the Tanya Computer Centre (TCC).

January 2023

Bajaj supported Social Inclusion & Inclusive Education programme being implemented in Mandla and Raisen districts

Two-day orientation was organized for the people with disabilities on the formation of the organization of the People with Disability.

January 2023

Under Rural Eye Health Programme High Impact strategy of Sightsavers India Birpara II Gram Panchayat under Alipurduar district was given CBBF status which is in line with NPCB

As part of the Rural Eye Health Programme High Impact strategy of Sightsavers India Birpara II Gram Panchayat under Alipurduar district was declared Cataract Blindness Backlog Free (CBBF) status which is inline with the National Programme for Control of Blindness.

January 2023
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