
Sightsavers performs successful mass Covid-19 Vaccine Equity drive for Persons with Disabilities in Hazaribagh

This is a unique effort by Sightsavers in collaboration with District Health Administration and Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) towards Vaccine Equity for Persons with Disabilities in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand.

March 2022

Judo Champion, Sudama, becomes Collector for a Day in Katni

At 21 years of age, Sudama was given the opportunity to become a one-day District Collector of Katni, Madhya Pradesh on International Women’s Day.

March 2022

Sightsavers and NCPEDP organise a national consultation ahead of Global Disability Summit

Sightsavers India in collaboration with National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCEPDP) organised a national consultation ahead of Global Disability Summit (GDS) scheduled for 16th and 17th February.

January 2022

Sightsavers promoting social inclusion of people with disabilities through its vaccine equity drive

As part of its Social Inclusion Programme, Sightsavers India initiated a campaign on ‘Vaccine Equity for people with Disabilities’ in its eight operational states.

January 2022

Sightsavers India and JSLPS organise an inclusive employment campaign for people with disabilities

Sightsavers India, a development organisation that has been protecting sight and fighting for disability rights launched “Employability Campaign for Persons with Disabilities” in Jharkhand.

November 2021

Sightsavers with the support of HCL and the Rajasthan state government making education accessible for children with visual impairment

Amid a pandemic that engulfed almost the entire world and a lockdown, it became extremely difficult to manage the learning needs of blind and visually impaired children.

November 2021

Sightsavers and SBI Capital Markets Limited join hands to prevent avoidable blindness in the cities of Chennai, Pune & Kolkata

Sightsavers with the support of SBI Capital Markets Limited - one of India's leading investment banks, as a part of its CSR programme under healthcare set up three mobile vision centres to strengthen the primary eye care services in the cities of Chennai, Kolkata, and Pune under its National Urban Eye Health Programme – Amrita Drishti.

September 2021

Collaboration, capacity building & information exchange are the key elements to strengthen policy development on Disability Inclusion

The European Disability Forum along with Sightsavers India organized a webinar on ‘Strengthening EU-India partnership on Disability Inclusion in the Attainment of SDGs

July 2021

Leaving No One Behind

On 1st July 2021, Sightsavers’ Judo Champion, Priya from Hoshangabad was invited to be the key speaker during a webinar on Advocacy for the vaccination of the vulnerable communities in India.

July 2021
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