Knowledge product building partnership project supported by the European Union

As part of Building Partnerships project supported by the European Union, Sightsavers along with European Disability Forum and Newcastle University are proud to share the following knowledge products on disability inclusive score card:

  1. Disability Inclusive Score Card manual guides readers through the key roles, stages and processes involved in the Disability Inclusive Scorecard process. This focuses on education provision as a theme, but the distinctive combination of components in the method have wide application across global effort and thematic areas. Download the full report here. PDF.
  2. Disability Inclusive Score Card Learning Document has drawn upon practical experiences and suggestions from Organisations of People with Disabilities, Sightsavers staff members and experts in social accountability mechanisms from civil society and academia. Download the full report here. PDF.
  3. Advocacy Brief outlines how participation and inclusion can strengthen policy influencing and establish accountable governance in the implementation of the SDGs to ‘leave no one behind’ at the local level. Download the full report here. PDF.

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Mithun’s Story

Mithun Yadav, a 28-year-old from Raisen, has never let his locomotor disability hold him back.

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Gopal's story

Meet Gopal, a 33-year-old resident of Kasganj district of Uttar Pradesh.

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Kuldeep's story

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