
The Psyche of Giving

The culture of giving is deeply engraved in India’s social consciousness and has been a part of Indian culture for many centuries.

Avijit Dey, May 2018

How Do You Perceive the Life of a Person with Disability?

I don’t believe that there exist ‘disabled people’ on earth

Shashwat Seth, January 2018

My Encounter with a Disabled Person

I am a teacher in a reputed co-education English medium Secondary School that provides necessary facilities for disabled students.

G. Arunasree, January 2018

Why I am Indebted to Louis Braille for Enabling Me to Read

Louis Braille not only invented a script for the blind but created a global awakening about the potentialities of the blind and the disabled community.

Ketan Kothari, January 2018

India has come a long way in enabling opportunities for the visually impaired

It was in 1981, International Year of the Disabled People ‘IYDP’, that India celebrated and acknowledged globally developing a roadmap for the disabled.

RN Mohanty, July 2017
The blackboard speaks

The blackboard speaks

There are 220 Million Students in 1.2 Million Schools of India, and 2/3rds of all school-going children are enrolled in government schools.

Ameen, May 2017
Indebted to Louis Braille

Why I am Indebted to Louis Braille for Enabling Me to Read

Louis Braille not only invented a script for the blind but created a global awakening about the potentialities of the blind and the disabled community.

Ketan Kothari, January 2017

Smog Not Just Affects your Lungs, But Can Harm Your Eyes Too

Seeing is believing and what you get to see these days is no hogwash...

Ritika Rastogi, November 2016

Ensuring Proper Eye Care - Avoiding “Mascary” Situations with Makeup

We’ve all done it at one time or another, when applying mascara we get a little too close to our eyeballs with the application tip and the result is a teary, black mess.

Ritika Rastogi, September 2016

How to Ensure Quality Eye Care through Protection from Pollution

Pollution is a huge menace and has been seen to work as a catalyst...

Ritika Rastogi, July 2016
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