Eye health

Younus’ story

75 year old Younus was diagnosed with cataract in both eyes and was brought to Sitapur Eye Hospital by the eye screening team for the cataract operation.

Food for Eyes

How often have we been randomly advised to have a fair amount of vegetables for better eyesight? But is that going to be sufficient for maintaining healthy eyes? Let’s find out!

Ritika Rastogi, July 2018

Sightsavers with the support of Baxter inaugurates an all-girls school eye health programme in Howrah

Taking a step towards empowering the girl child, Sightsavers with the support of Baxter and in collaboration with Susrut Eye Foundation and Research Centre inaugurated its Vidyajyoti All Girls’ School Eye Health Programme.

May 2018
charities in india

Julekha’s story

Julekha Bee, 70 years old, suffered with eye problems before being diagnosed with cataract at a Sightsavers-supported screening camp.

A girl with cataract smiling

Rukmani’s story

Teachers at a school in Bhopal, India, identified 4 year old Rukmani's cataract as part of a Sightsavers School Eye Health Programme.

Inauguration of Shahbad Dairy Vision Centre in New Delhi

Sightsavers in association with Baxter India and Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital launched a new Vision Centre under its Urban Eye Health Programme in Shahbad Dairy, New Delhi.

April 2018

Vijayamala’s story

84-year-old Vijayamala comes from an extremely remote village, but a visit to a screening camp organised by Sightsavers helped her to see again.

A family standing together.

The family with cataract

Father to seven children, Sanjesh Yadav lives with his wife, Chandrakala in Vidisha district, Madhya Pradesh and both suffer from cataract.

Touching lives: experiences of positive change

Sightsavers has been working in the Sundarbans for seven years and, until 2013, had supported the establishment of 2 eye hospitals and 2 vision centres.

Imraj's story

Seven-year-old Imraj affirms that he loves to study with a nod and a shy smile, but cataract made it impossible for him to learn until he underwent surgery.

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