Sight-saving Eye Care Tips for Elderly Persons

Sighstavers India, December 2014
Tips for Elderly Persons

The possibility of acquiring vision disorders significantly increases for a person after the age of 65. It is therefore important for senior citizens to be vigilant about eye care and take extra precautions to protect their eye sight. Here are some of the top eye care tips for older people:

  1. Get a regular eye exam
    Frequent eye exams are the safest way to track vision disorders early and treat them before it is too late. Adults over age 65 should get an eye exam at least once every year.
  2. Maintain normal blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels
    In addition to being linked to cardio-vascular disorders, systemic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis increase the risk of sight loss due to the effect they have on blood vessels in the eyes.
  1. Eat eye-healthy foods
    A diet low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains benefits the entire body, including the eyes. Vitamin A rich foods such as carrots, papayas, mangoes, pumpkins and other orange-coloured fruits and vegetables should be regularly consumed.
  1. Exercise
    Exercise is not only good for your waistline; it also it also lowers risk of vision diseases due to the increased blood flow in arteries.
  1. Quit smoking
    Smoking increases the risk of cataract and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Avoid smoking as well as inhaling second-hand smoke.

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