Reflections from Urban Eye Health Programme, Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh (UP), India’s most densely populated state with over 235.6 million residents in 2023, deals with a lack of attention to eye care, characterized by inadequate availability, accessibility, and affordability of services, resulting in preventable blindness primarily caused by cataracts and refractive errors.  In response, Sightsavers India initiated the Amrita Drishti Urban Eye Health Programme in Kanpur and Prayagraj, cities marked by significant slum populations, aiming to address the urgent eye health needs of urban communities for a healthier future. Despite launching amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, the project successfully reached 1.19 lakh individuals through ten vision centers and 328 outreach camps over three years.

This report intends to track the progress of the UEH program from 2020 to 2023, showcasing its accomplishments in tackling recognized problems and difficulties, as well as sharing valuable insights gained while examining crucial activities and program design elements for both internal and external parties.

Reflections from Urban Eye Health Programme, Uttar Pradesh

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