
Education dept mulls free surgery for low-vision students

Network with a vision

Hospitals & NGOs Join hands to create eye care facilities

November 2012
Vision Delhi

Business plans set their sights on India

When the Financial Times and Sightsavers, the international charity, launched the MBA Challenge in January,

October 2012
Hospital charts a record
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Hospital charts a record

To create awareness among the public on the need for preventive eye care and also to mark World Sight Day...

October 2012
Cherishing Vision
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Cherishing Vision

A photography exhibition of pictures clicked by school students will be held in the city on Sunday

October 2012
Sheer Joy
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The sheer joy of giving sight to the blind

The second Thursday of October each year is dedicated to raising global awareness...

October 2012
World Sight Day 2012
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World Sight Day - Oct 11, 2012

World Sight Day is an international day of awareness, held annually on the second Thursday of October...

October 2012
self-reliant visually impaired

Move to make visually impaired self-reliant

In a novel initiative aimed at liberating the visually impaired children from a feeling of inferiority

October 2012
Antarchakshu - The Eye Within

Antarchakshu, the eye within - an exclusive eye care campaign

Antarchakshu – The Eye Within", an event organized by the Xavier's Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged (XRCVC)...

September 2012
the remote Sunderbans

Saving sight & changing lives in the remote Sunderbans

Over 1.2 million people reached out to since 2002 and 47,000 sight restoring cataract surgeries performed...

September 2012
The eye within

Antarchakshu, the eye within - an exclusive eye care campaign

Antarchakshu - The Eye Within, is an event organized by the Xavier's Resource Centre for the visually Challenged (XRCVC)...

September 2012
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