Eye health

Harish Kumar

Harish Kumar

Harish, a 13-year-old boy from Domlur, Bangalore, lived with severe low vision for the better part of his life



When Ajay, an 11-year-old-boy from Horamavu, Bangalore, started having problems with his school work, no one made the connection that this could be linked to an eye condition and so, his grades continued to drop

The Raj Car Rally

The Raj Car Rally for the blind and visually impaired

This car rally has been able to highlight that visually challenged people, too, can navigate…

Picture of a dog

Young shutterbugs with newly restored vision

When a digital camera came handy to Vinay Kumar, a 14-year-old boy who had just recovered from his visual imparity...

November 2012
Visually impaired children can now see the Tricolour

Visually impaired can now see the Tricolour

Some 12 million visually challenged persons in the country will be able to see the nation's Tricolour...

November 2012
Education dept mulls free surgery for low-vision students

Network with a vision

Hospitals & NGOs Join hands to create eye care facilities

November 2012
Vision Delhi

Business plans set their sights on India

When the Financial Times and Sightsavers, the international charity, launched the MBA Challenge in January,

October 2012
the remote Sunderbans

Saving sight & changing lives in the remote Sunderbans

Over 1.2 million people reached out to since 2002 and 47,000 sight restoring cataract surgeries performed...

September 2012
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